Announcement after the 9th sitting of the Students’ Parliament of the UW for the 2023/2024 term

17 10 2024
We would like to inform you that during the 9th sitting of the Students’ Parliament of the UW for the 2023/2024 term:
Parliament held by-elections. The following were elected:
- Natasza Husiatyńska (WPol), Miłosz Marian (WZ), Michał Piwowarczyk (WDIB) and Jakub Wojciechowski (WGiSR) as student representatives in the Senate of the UW;
- Justyna Smoleń (WNPiSM) as a member of the Revision Committee of the Students’ Union of the UW;
- Jakub Chojnacki (WZ) as a member of the Electoral Committee of the Students’ Union of the UW;
- Olga Różańska (WO) as a member of the Board of Appeals of the Students’ Union of the UW from among the members of the Students’ Parliament of the UW;
- Olgierd Antosiewicz (WNE) as a member of the Scrutiny Committee of the Students’ Parliament of the UW;
- Zuzanna Bastek (IAiE) as a member of the Special Committee of the Students’ Parliament of the UW for Changes to the Regulations of the Students’ Union of the UW.
Parliament held a discussion with the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Quality of Education and the Chancellor of UW.
Special guests at the sitting were Maciej Raś, Ph.D., Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Quality of Education, and Robert Grey, MA, Chancellor of the UW. They took part in a discussion, answering questions for two hours, which related in particular to university infrastructure, proposed changes in the area of education and student welfare support issues.
Parliament adopted a resolution on student participation in the appointment of heads of teaching and learning units, study heads and tutors for the particular year of study or separate groups of students at the University of Warsaw.
The resolution refers to the participation of student representatives in the appointment of persons dealing with student affairs on behalf of unit authorities. The Parliament recalled that the right of the competent body of the Students’ Union to give its consent to a candidate must be respected in all respects and must not lead to any pressure either on that body or on its members or to undermine the integrity of their actions. The value of working consultations on individual candidacies between those submitting candidates and the competent bodies of the Students’ Union was also stressed. In addition, opposition was expressed to any attempt to circumvent the obligation to appoint student affairs persons.
Parliament adopted a resolution on the openness of authorisations of study heads at the University of Warsaw.
In the resolution, the Parliament recalled that the student community should have transparent insight into the scope and legal basis of authorisations given to study heads by heads of teaching and learning units, in particular when the right of a given person to make a given decision does not derive directly from their function or the regulations in force at the UW. It was also advocated that persons who are not the head of a teaching and learning unit should not be given the authority to decide on the most important statutory individual student matters.
Parliament adopted a resolution on supporting the demands of student representatives in the Electoral College of the UW.
The resolution in question has its origins in the spring elections of the Rector, on the occasion of which the student electors, working in several working groups, developed a number of demands and included them in an open letter addressed to the candidates for the aforementioned function and to the entire University community. On the initiative of the student representatives in the Senate of the UW, the Parliament expressed its support for these demands, elevating the said open letter to the rank of a resolution of the Parliament.
All three resolutions mentioned were adopted by acclamation.