Announcement after the 9th sitting of the Special Committee for the 2023/2024 term for Changes to the Regulations of the Students’ Union

29 10 2024
We would like to inform you that during the 9th sitting of the Special Committee of the Students’ Parliament of the UW for the 2023/2024 term for Changes to the Regulations of the Students’ Union of the UW:
Committee continued the discussion on the draft regulations on the Students’ Ombudsman.
The discussion focused on the details of the procedure for filling the position of the Students’ Ombudsman. It was agreed that the said procedure would have two stages. The first would start with the appointment of the Ombudsman by the Board of the Students’ Union of the UW. The Ombudsman would take up office upon appointment, but would be subject to approval by Parliament. In the event of non-approval, there would be a second stage, in which the Board would again appoint the Ombudsman, but at the same time a group of 1/5 of the members of Parliament would also have the initiative to propose candidates for this function. If such an application was made, Parliament would first decide on the person appointed by the Board and, if not approved, on the person proposed by the group. If, on the other hand, the office of Ombudsman were to become vacant during the term of office, the procedure for filling the office would be analogous to the second stage of its initial filling. It was also agreed that a proposal by one third of Parliament’s membership would be required for the Ombudsman to be dismissed on the initiative of a group of members, and that the decision to do so would be taken by an absolute majority. In addition, it will be possible to dismiss the Ombudsman by a resolution of the Board – the only thing left unresolved is whether this resolution should be obligatorily motivated.