Announcement after the 8th sitting of the Special Committee for the 2023/2024 term for Changes to the Regulations of the Students’ Union

13 10 2024
We would like to inform you that during the 8th sitting of the Special Committee of the Students’ Parliament of the UW for the 2023/2024 term for Changes to the Regulations of the Students’ Union of the UW:
Committee held by-elections of the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman of the Committee.
Mateusz Staniak (FUW), its previous Vice-Chairman, became the new Chairman of the Special Committee of the Students’ Parliament of the UW for Changes to the Regulations of the Students’ Union of the UW. In his place, Aleksandra Semba (WPsych) became the new Vice-Chairwoman.
Committee discussed the current status of the draft amendments to the Regulations of the Students’ Union of the UW.
The Committee discussed the preliminary version of the draft resolution, which included all the amendments to the Regulations of the Students’ Union that had been adopted so far. It unreservedly accepted the way in which most of the amendments were drafted, only deciding to make minor adjustments in a few places.
Committee discussed the draft regulations on the Students’ Ombudsman.
The Committee listened to a presentation by the Speaker, who presented a draft he had prepared of a new section of the Regulations of the Students’ Union dedicated to the function of the Students’ Ombudsman. In the course of the discussion, there was overwhelming support for the concept of the new regulations, including the clear definition of the Ombudsman’s competences, his/her term and the legal sanctioning of the activities of his/her team. Most attention was paid to the manner in which the function would be filled after the changes. The Committee agreed to involve Parliament in the process, but did not agree on the details of this involvement, leaving the issue for future discussion.