Announcement after the 6th sitting of the ad hoc Commission for the 2023/2024 term on amendments to the Regulations of the Students’ Union

28 05 2024
We would like to inform you that during the 6th sitting of the ad hoc Commission of the Students’ Parliament of the UW for the 2023/2024 term on amendments to the Regulations of the Students’ Union of the UW:
Commission continued to discuss the possible introduction of a voting silence in the election of student representatives.
At the beginning of the sitting, the Commission returned to the proposal, approved at the previous sitting, to develop a catalogue of prohibited canvassing activities. As a result of the votes held, it was decided to include in the catalogue a prohibition on denigrating candidates, in particular by giving false information about them during the election campaign. However, the idea of a ban on referring to other candidates in election day canvassing was rejected, as was the idea of a total ban on canvassing on that day.
Commission discussed other regulations for the conduct of election of student representatives.
In the remainder of its deliberations, the Commission considered other electoral issues, including revisiting some of the issues left unresolved at previous sittings. After a related discussion, the Commission decided not to pursue the issue of introducing quotas in the election of student electors, on which there were very different opinions. Next, the topic of introducing a requirement for candidates to have a certain length of study in elections held by the Electoral Commission of the Students’ Union of the UW was addressed, but discussions on this topic failed to convince the Commission, which, in the next several votes, separately for each entity cast in these elections, did not support this idea. Finally, the question of the periods of the academic year during which the Electoral Commission of the Students’ Union of the UW could hold elections was put to the Commission for discussion. However, the discussion on this issue did not lead to a clear conclusion and the Commission decided to complete the consideration in the future.