Announcement after the 3rd sitting of the Legal-Regulatory Commission for the 2023/2024 term

25 02 2024
We would like to inform you that during the 3rd sitting of the Legal-Regulatory Commission of the Students’ Parliament of the UW for the 2023/2024 term:
The Commission expressed a positive opinion on the draft amendments to the Regulations of the Students’ Union of the University of Warsaw.
The project brought by the Board of the Students’ Union of the UW and agreed with the Board of the Doctoral Students’ Union of the UW assumes, first of all, the creation of a new body of the Students’ Union – the Council of Scientific, Social and Artistic Organisations of the UW (RONSiA), which is the Council responsible for student scientific movement matters within the meaning of the UW Rector’s resolution of 28 November 2023, which obliged the Students’ Parliament of the UW to adopt the regulations of this Council. The bylaws of the RONSiA are to be annexed to the Regulations of the Students’ Union. Before formally putting forward the initiative for a resolution, the Board of the Students’ Union of the UW took into account a number of comments that were made on the draft during last week’s Commission sitting.
Regardless of expressing a positive opinion on the draft, the Commission proposed eight amendments to the draft. These are mainly amendments of a technical nature, which do not directly affect the draft RONSiA Regulations, but merely correct some planned changes to the text of the narrowly defined Regulations of the Students’ Union and improve the proposed transitional provisions.
The Commission undertook a discussion on the translation of Students’ Union legislation into English.
As part of the item on current affairs and free motions, the Commission discussed the possibility of producing English-language versions of documents issued by the Students’ Union bodies. During the discussion, the types of legal acts that should be translated were considered, as well as who could be entrusted with this task. The Commission felt that this was a topic that should be taken up more widely in the future.