1st sitting of the Students’ Parliament of the UW for the 2023/2024 term

21 11 2023
We would like to inform you that by Resolution No. 1/2022/2023 of the Chairman of the Revision Commission of the Students’ Union of the UW dated 21 November 2023 the 1st sitting of the Students’ Parliament of the UW for the 2023/2024 term has been convened.
The sitting will begin on 28 November 2023 (Tuesday) at 7:00 pm. It will be held in room 200 of the Board of the Students’ Union of the University of Warsaw building at 24 Krakowskie Przedmieście Street in Warsaw. The sitting will be held in Polish.
Agenda for the 1st sitting of the Students’ Parliament of the UW for the 2023/2024 term:
1. Adoption of the agenda of the sitting.
2. Appointment and election of members of the Scrutiny Commission of the Students’ Parliament of the UW.
3. Election of the Marshal of the Students’ Parliament of the UW.
4. Adoption of the number and election of Vice-Marshals of the Students’ Parliament of the UW.
5. Approval of the composition of the Board of the Students’ Union of the UW.
6. Basic theses of the annual report of the Revision Commission of the Students’ Union of the UW.
7. Basic theses of the annual report on the activities of the Electoral Commission of the Students’ Union of the UW.
8. Election of student representatives in the Senate of the UW.
9. Election of candidates for the commisions of the Senate of the UW.
10. Appointment and election of members of the Budget and Finances Commission of the Students’ Parliament of the UW.
11. Appointment and election of members of the Legal-Regulatory Commission of the Students’ Parliament of the UW.
12. Election of members of the Revision Commission of the Students’ Union of the UW.
13. Election of members of the Electoral Commission of the Students’ Union of the UW.
14. Election of candidates for members of the Disciplinary Committee for Students and Doctoral Candidate Affairs.
15. Election of candidates for members of the Disciplinary Appeals Committee for Students and Doctoral Candidate Affairs.
16. Election of candidates for members of the University Disciplinary Committee.
17. Election of members of the Board of Appeals of the Students’ Union of the UW from among the members of the Students’ Parliament of the UW.
18. Election of members of the Board of Appeals of the Students’ Union of the UW from among students who are not members of the bodies of the Students’ Union of the UW.
19. Members’ questions.
20. Current affairs and free motions.